Saturday, May 3, 2008

Welcome, other Jennifer Myszkowskis!

Today, for the first time ever, one of the other Jennifer Myszkowskis contacted me. She used my lousy myspace page to do it. I don't care how she found me, I'm just glad she did. She's from Pennsylvania. I'm not sure that she's on my list of Jennifer Myszkowskis I found on the Internet by way of Google, but she's on my list now!

Soon, my not-so-secret Jennifer Myszkowski Reunion* fantasy will come to pass. Soon, a room full of ladies named Jennifer Myszkowski will mix and mingle in a casual and friendly way. Each will wear a nametag that says, "Jennifer Myszkowski", just so that the rest of us will know who she is.

Who's next? I've really got my eye on Dr. Jenny the pediatrician from Michigan.

If your name is Jennifer Myszkowski, consider e-mailing me: jennifer at jennifer myszkowski dot com. Let's make the Jennifer Myszkowski Reunion* a reality!

*Yes, I know it's not a reunion since none of us have met yet. Who cares! It's a funny name for a party.

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Friday, February 29, 2008

Mistaken identity

So Maya got her own e-mail account this week. I guess it's high time since she's 10. We're all so proud. Let's not mention that I didn't get my first e-mail account until I was about 20. Whatev.

So we've been e-mailing her back and forth and what have you. Tonight, Scott announced, "Maya asked me to be her friend on MySpace!" Without even looking at her profile, he accepted her hand in friendship.

At first I was miffed. I mean, she didn't ask me and I'm her AUNT for christsakes. And then I started thinking, "What is Tesia thinking letting Maya get on MySpace?" Then I thought, "Maya will never be on the computer without Tesia nearby." But then I got scared and turned to Scott's computer screen to get a load of whatever photo and profile Maya put up for herself.

No photo.

Hmm. This is a relief.

Scott clicked on the no-photo icon, which brought us to Maya's profile.

Turns out she's 22 and lives in Florida. Her friend list is all young-ish men in various states of drunkenness. One particularly fetching friend of this Maya has a photograph of himself funneling beer. Good times.

Thankfully, our Maya is safe from the scourge of MySpace, at least for now.

As a side note, you may be interested to know that Maya is crazy about Scott. Like, no joke. She made her e-mail address the nickname he calls her and everything. Sometimes when we see her, she goes straight for Uncle Count Scottula and leaves old crappy Auntie in the dust.

She just can't get enough of that guy. Me neither.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

MySpace = time suck

I think we've talked any number of times about how I have no interest in anyone I went to high school with outside of the people I actually already talk to. I've said this a lot.

With Scott away, I took the opportunity to catch up on MySpace. I trolled around looking for comics I know to add to my network. The reason I have MySpace is for comedy and nothing more. But then, for reasons that are unclear to me (maybe it was just curiosity), I looked up people from college. Then I looked up people from high school.

I don't know if I've got some kind of sickness or if it's a sign that I'm healed.

It's weird because I saw people I haven't thought about in at least 10 years. I think I've said this here before, but when people fall out of my acquaintance, I don't really even think of them as alive anymore. I don't really think of them as dead so much as not there. Does that even make sense?

It turns out that lots of people are quite alive, and there are a bunch I've never seen in my life who claim to have graduated with me. Also, there were people I graduated with that look like old people. Man, am I ever lucky to be aging well. I'm not wrinkly or anything. I've got gray hairs, sure, but it isn't noticable unless you're up in my business or I'm showing them to you.

One thing that's discouraging about my gray hairs is that they're straight and the rest of my hair is curly, so they sort of stick out and seem longer than all the rest. I'm not complaining. I kind of like them.

Anyway, I wasted an entire evening.

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